Rapid Assessment Program & Science Discussion at Dinajpur

On the 17th, 18th and 19th of April, 2022, the CHRF team visited Ambari's Alhajj Khalilur Rahman Government Primary School and Dinajpur's Al-Amin Institute (High School) to conduct our rapid assessment program. Our team performed blood grouping and hepatitis C screening, free of cost to the participants. All participants were also thanked with CHRF gift hampers for their time and cooperation.

This program is part of a larger study to generate evidence on typhoid burden and detect which areas in Bangladesh are to be prioritised for introduction of the typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV). We would like to thank Sidrah Foundation for connecting us with the schools and being wonderful support. We would also like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the respective school authorities and board members for hosting us.

We look forward to taking this program to more schools in the coming months as we keep advocating for introduction of the typhoid conjugate vaccine!