Sania’s one- week internship at CHRF

With stream 2 of CHRF's program, 'Building Scientists for Bangladesh', we bring people to science. Sania Moghe, a high school student, flew all the way from New Jersey, for a 1-week internship at CHRF.

During her internship, Sania spent time at CHRF's microbiology, molecular biology and genomics labs. She also joined us on a trip to Shariatpur for a science discussion with local high school students. And to top it all off, she gave a presentation on her experience at CHRF during a lab meeting, and that too in Bangla!

Along with learning the common microbiology and molecular biology laboratory techniques used in research and diagnostic laboratories, Sania also discovered how scientists and science communicators engage with different audiences to raise awareness and advocate for evidence-based policy decisions. We hope this exposure opens her to new perspectives in her journey to becoming a biomedical engineer. Good luck with university applications for your undergraduate studies, Sania! Until next time.